Living intentionally

Happy New Year!

Pretty much everyone I’ve spoken agrees on the same thing: 2017 was a turbulent, change-filled year packed with as many high-highs as it had low-lows… but it’s over now, we’ve turned the clock back to zero, and the 2018 has nothing but potential, impact, learnings, community, and fun available to us.

Here are a couple of goals I’ve set for 2018… My general theme is Living Intentionally:

  • Meet with, learn from, and help out as many of the #bugbounty community as I can — On the hunter side and the program owner side alike. It truly does take a crowd, and interacting with the security community is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.

  • Focus on being a better leader — Starting with myself (as it always does), then my family, my team, my company, and the market… Leadership is about servanthood first, then character, then skills in management and direction.

  • Always be mentoring, especially folks who are looking to start a security startup or business… I’ve learnt a lot over the past 5 years, and one of my very favorite things is seeing other people win.

  • Read more: I’m especially keen on blowing some of the dust off my technical side (I’ve been essentially off the tools for several years now), as well as up-levelling my business and startup chops.

  • Pursue the next tier of mentors: Mentors have always played a key role in my learning and success, and I want to level this up in 2018.

  • Blog more: This is the first of those. I’m keen to become a better, faster and more concise writer in the process.

  • Get over to Reykjavik, Iceland with my wife — This has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember.

  • Get back to having “date-nights” with my kids — Quantity and quality are equally important when it comes to the little ones.

There’s a smattering of other stuffs to do with health, fitness, finances, and so on, but those are for another time when they are more fully baked.

Long live 2017, and bring on 2018!