My "office" setup - Part 2
This is a follow up from which is worth reading first if you haven't yet... Everything in Part 1 is still in play - Part 2 talks through some optimizations and a couple of additions.

Yeah, so listen
— ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ᴍɪᴇssʟᴇʀ (@DanielMiessler) May 22, 2021
We’re going to need a blog post detailing the gear and how you arrived at it
Ok @DanielMeissler, you got it :P

- Ikea Kivik Chaise and foot-stool. I'm a pretty tall dude - 6'6" in fact, which is getting into "most-things-aren't-designed-with-people-your-height-in-mind" territory. While this is useful for lots of stuff (reaching stuff on the top shelf, seeing over crowds, always getting to see the band play, etc...), it's a bit annoying to find things that fit. The Kivik chaise is pretty big, and a good size for me on it's own. The foot-stool serves as a storage space, a place for others to sit and jam, or as extra length for me to stretch out. Nailed it!
- Elgato Green Screen MT. I've already talked about this guy in the other post, but I didn't show a picture in the last post. A call-out here is that I've got my DEF CON flag, the sticker frames, the Crikeycon poster, and lots of other hacker-ish paraphernalia behind my seating position. Sometimes, a massive pirate flag isn't the best backdrop to start a conversation with, so it makes sense to do a quick sudo I can pull the green screen down and call up an appropriate business backdrop of choice.
- DIY desk return. Nothing fancy here, I mostly wanted extra space for "things that should stay on top of the desk but need to be out of the way". I moved the Ikea ADIL legs from the main desk to this return after getting the drawers (#7 in the picture). What's more interesting is that the need for this extra space prompted experimentation with overall room setup, and I ended up settling on rotating things 90deg clockwise. I can't understate how much of a difference this has made to the sense of space! Before, the desk was centered and below the window - logical, symmetrical, and worked reasonably well - but rotating the room feels like I've doubled the available space. This isn't mathematically possible, and I've no idea how it happened (...interior designers, feel free to enlighten us if there's some magical room physics I've accidentally unlocked here). Regardless, I wanted to share it as a cheap and quick potential win if you're feeling a little cramped.
- Plastic 4x4 component drawer. One of the things I, somewhat weirdly in hindsight, grabbed and packed before we left for Australia was as many Bugcrowd and stickers that I could find. I've been sending them around to folks over the past year and getting some lovely swag and paraphernalia in return... Kind of a "virtual sticker swap" in place of conferences - Getting unexpected gifts in the mail has been a neat little source of joy for me during the pandemic, and I know it has had a similar impact of folks I've sent stuff to. Anyways, all of these warm fuzzies add up to a lot of stickers, which become a bit tough to keep organized and in reasonable condition. This little box was $10 in one of those random nick-nack stores, and has competently taken care of that problem for me.
- Glide Gear TMP100 Teleprompter. You know that thing where you're presenting or on a Zoom call, and you're looking at "all the things" as you're trying to have a conversation, maintain meaningful eye contact, and engage those you're talking to? This is to help solve that problem. I looked into DIY teleprompters for a bit of fun and got that working, but I wanted a more stable and long-lasting solution, so I went for the make/model that streamer buddies like STOK all seemed to recommend. It's being fed by an iPad Mini which I send video to over wi-fi using OS X Sidecar.
- Bedroom-style door lock. I'm not a fan of keeping the door locked, but there are almost always other folks at home and it's the simplest way to avoid interruptions when it counts. It's one of those locks you can open with a card or a screwdriver - so if, for example, there's a legit emergency, my family knows how to open it and get hold of me. I'm noodling with the idea of a giant "ON AIR" sign which lights up outside the door at some point (mainly because that would be a fun thing to do) but for now, a simple lock works quite well.
- Pair of Ikea Alex drawers. I posted a picture of the setup on Twitter, and the response from many folks was the envy of how clean it all looks... I'd like to thank the Alex's and the Kivik foot-stool (which doubles as storage) for creating that illusion ;)
- ...Yeh, it drives me nuts too. At some point, I'll put some time aside and untangle them.

As with Part 1 of this post, hopefully this has been a helpful read! :)
If you've got any questions or idea's, feel free to drop a comment or hit me up on Twitter @caseyjohnellis.