Krebs Has A Posse Swag on Redbubble
“Krebs has a Posse” stickers/swag are starting to circulate in North America, but I still get asked for them a lot, so here 'tis, in Redbubble store form!

Krebs has a Posse stickers/swag are starting to circulate in North America as people take the design and print it for themselves (as intended... free to reused non-commerically), but I still get asked for them a lot. I'm currently downunder in Australia and shipping logistics, etc are a nightmare even if the team gets involved - So here 'tis, in Redbubble store form!
All proceeds go to, because we’re *really* gonna need Risk-Limiting Audits in 2022... (and sooner).
Seeing these around the place comes "Whatever Def Con Is In 2021" time would give me (and, I presume, Chris) a huge smile, and show solidarity and props for the integrity of all those who worked on defending the 2020 US elections.